Unexpected Lanzarote

Day 5 of the memory through images journey

On Tuesday, we started 2 years ago, and we are now 2 weeks before lockdown: a week in Lanzarote, end of February.

And because 2020 is full of unprecedented / unexpected events  – this week was not an exception.

Day 1 : blue sky, some sunburn, discovering the very dry landscapes, amazing cactus and enjoying living in a camper where we felt way too much like home (this ended up buying Marsouin on the Sunday we were back…).

Days 2 & 3 : a completely different atmosphere: yellow / orange sky. We were in the middle of a sandstorm that has covered the Canary Islands: the phenomenon is known as a Calima – which is when strong winds and rising air lifts up Saharan dust and carries it across the Atlantic. It was apocalyptic; we felt like we were in the movie Interstellar. We read that a lot of people were complaining: “Sandstorm in Lanzarote! I came for sunshine not sand!” – in our little van we decided to enjoy this rare phenomenon and drove on this deserted island finding secluded and photogenic spots. We visited an abandoned hotel in the middle of nowhere, right in front of the ocean – very spooky and apocalyptic during the storm.


Day 4 : grey sky – the storm is gone but the weather is very gloomy.

Day 5 & 6 : blue sky is back. We finally hiked some volcanoes & enjoy some beach time. Then it was already time to say goodbye to the WhiteVan, and say hello 2 days after to the Green one 🙂

During the trip we visited some incredible spaces by Cesar Manrique : an amazing artist, architect and interior designer – he completely understood the language of his island and translated into his art and design.