GFW18 – Winner of the Stand Award

Stand design for Graduate Fashion Week 2018 in London.
Freelance for the Fashion department of Edinburgh College of Art
Edinburgh, Scotland 2018


I designed this stand for Edinburgh College of Art with sustainability and usability as the core concepts.

Recycled & Recyclable Core

The core components (paper tubes and plastic sheets) are already recycled materials, linked together with paper clips and screws, making it easy to assemble, dismantle and reuse in another configuration. This also leaves the materials clean, free from glue or paint that would end their recycling cycle. The coat hangers are also made out of cardboards, except for the metal hooks and clips obviously.

Taking the concept further, additional storage boxes and decoration of the stand have been made from Graduate Fashion Week 2018 waste, collected on site from skips.

Accessible Showcase

The different heights of the tables make the stand accessible, as well as the shaping the space. This is enhanced by the lightning which brings up the portfolios and creates a unique, warm, boutique atmosphere. The petals have different heights to showcase different length of garments, and also giving every students equal opportunity to showcase their work.

Optimum Design

The design was though through to limit the amount of waste & lost raw material to a minimum; every millimetre counts!
The left over of the tubes used to create the hangers have been used to make the ‘heads’ of the mannequins and the lamps are designed using the centre of the petals.

New Beginning

Almost every elements of the stand will be repurposed for next years’ event or donated to local charities at the end of GFW18, and when the time comes, they can be recycled again at a local waste management centre!




Kalico Plastic sheets
UK based company converting waste plastics into colourful, aesthetic boards
100% recycled , 100% recyclable

Paper tubes
UK based company
100% recyclable

EDIBLE plants
Origin UK
Will be donated to the community garden at the Edinburgh Royal Hospital

EU based companies, local shops
To be reused in the build of 2019 stand 




Thank you to

Mark Kobine for your help, advices and sharing pains aux chocolats.
Emily Ford-Halliday & Mal Burkinshaw for the opportunity and trusting me.
Linda Wilson, Juliet Dearden & Claire Ferguson for your support.
Wendy Bruce for your kindness and making everything easy.
Design Informatics for letting me use the studio and workshops.